You can customize many setting for your current slide deck by adding one or more of the following properties into the frontmatter section of your slide:
Name | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
width | Sets the width of the presentation | number | 960 |
height | Sets the width of the presentation | number | 700: |
margin | Empty space around the content | number | 0.04: |
minScale | Bounds for smallest possible scale to apply to content | number | 0.2 |
maxScale | Bounds for largest possible scale to apply to content | number | 2.0 |
notesSeparator | Sets the note delimiter | string | note: |
separator | Sets the slide separator | string | ^( ?| )—( ?| )$ |
verticalSeparator | Sets the vertical slide separator | string | ^( ?| )–( ?| )$ |
enableLinks | Enable backlinks in slides | true / false | false |
theme | Sets the theme | see theme docs | black |
highlightTheme | Sets the highlight theme | see theme docs | zenburn |
css | Adds further css files | [] | |
enableOverview | Shows the Overview Button on the bottom right corner of the slide | true / false | false |
enableChalkboard | Activates the chalkboard for slides | true / false | false |
controls | Display presentation control arrows | true / false | true |
controlsLayout | Determines where controls appear | edges / bottom-right | bottom-right |
progress | Display a presentation progress bar | true / false | true |
slideNumber | Display the page number of the current slide | see reveal.js docs | false |
overview | Enable the slide overview mode | true / false | true |
center | Vertical centering of slides | true / false | true |
loop | Loop the presentation | true / false | false |
rtl | Change the presentation direction to be RTL | true / false | false |
shuffle | Randomizes the order of slides each time the presentation loads | true / false | false |
fragments | Turns fragments on and off globally | true / false | true |
showNotes | Flags if speaker notes should be visible to all viewers | true / false | false |
autoSlide | Controls automatic progression to the next slide | number (in milliseconds) | 0 |
transition | Transition style | none / fade / slide / convex / concave / zoom | slide |
transitionSpeed | Transition speed | default / fast / slow | default |
bg | Sets a default background for all slides | see slide background docs | ‘#ffffff’ |
markdown | Sets options for marked | (see note below) | (see note below) |
enableTimeBar | Activates elapsing timer bar for slides | true / false | false |
timeForPresentation | Sets the time for elapsing timer in seconds | number | 120 |
defaultTemplate | Sets a template that will be applied to all slides | see template docs | null |