Getting started


    The following steps are here to help you to install Advanced Slides Plugin for Obsidian. If you never installed a plguin at all, we strongly suggest you to read the guideline on Community Plugins. Obsidian Documentation on Community Plugins.


    The settings can be found under Advanced Slides Section inside Plugin Settings. The settings can be found by clicking the gear in the bottom left corner, or by hitting Ctrl/Cmd-,.

    Most of them are fairly self-explanatory, but here are some notes that might be helpful.

    Write your first Slide

    Step by Step guide to create your first Presentation

    Learn more

    Learn more about the Advanced Slides from the following pages: Advanced Slides Basics How to use Advanced Slides plugin 用Obsidian做PPT,我是认真的 Advanced Slides 专业PPT制作课程来了 Building layouts Advanced Slides Advanced Using Templates in Advanced Slides Advanced Slides in Action SaturdayShowcase: A weekly format where the Advanced Slides developers feature presentations of their users: Curated List Rust Talks by No Boilerplate Videos Source Talk: Use It or Lose It by Nicole van der Hoeven Video Slides CSS Course by RemyDekor Slides Deck: Estimating The Hemodynamic Response Function by Lynne J Williams Slides Source Deck: Basisprozesse beim Beraten und Entscheiden in Teams by Matthäus Szturc Slides Source Deck: Digital Culture Analyse 21 Slides Template Deck: The four Daggers Slides Deckset about Juggling by Marc Bielert Slides Deck: Hydrothermal Venture Slides Deck: ML Ops Examples by Sam Foreman Slides Source Deck: Scientific Data Science by Sam Foreman Slides Source