Slide Backgrounds

you can change the background by annotating the slide:

<!-- slide bg="aquamarine" -->
## Slide with text based background

<!-- slide bg="#ff0000" -->
## Slide with hex based background


<!-- slide bg="rgb(70, 70, 255)" -->
## Slide with rgb based background


<!-- slide bg="hsla(315, 100%, 50%, 1)" -->
## Slide with hsl based background


# Slide without background


<!-- slide bg="" -->
## Slide with image background


<!-- slide bg="[[image.jpg]]" -->
## Slide with image background #2


<!-- slide bg="" data-background-opacity="0.5" -->
## with opacity

0.5 ≙ 50% opacity


## More options:

See [reveal backgrounds](

Slide with text based background

Slide with hex based background

Slide with rgb based background

Slide with hsl based background

Slide without background

Slide with image background

Slide with image background #2

More options:

See reveal backgrounds

  • See it fullscreen
  • You can change the background of all slides by adding the following frontmatter:

    bg: red
    bg: '#ff0000'
    bg: rgb(70, 70, 255)

    You can also set the background to transparent for all slides. This is especially useful if you want to use your slides as overlay source for OBS.

    bg: transparent

    See in action: