All files / src/processors skipSlideProcessor.ts

93.75% Statements 15/16
50% Branches 2/4
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93.75% Lines 15/16

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import { CommentParser } from 'src/comment';
import { Options } from '../options';
export class SkipSlideProcessor {
	private slideCommentRegex = /<!--\s*(?:\.)?slide.*-->/;
	private parser = new CommentParser();
	process(markdown: string, options: Options) {
		let output = markdown;
			.split(new RegExp(options.separator, 'gmi'))
			.map((slidegroup, index) => {
				return slidegroup
					.split(new RegExp(options.verticalSeparator, 'gmi'))
					.map((slide) => {
						let newSlide = slide;
						if (this.slideCommentRegex.test(slide)) {
							const [match] = this.slideCommentRegex.exec(slide);
							const comment = this.parser.parseLine(match);
							Iif (comment.hasAttribute("skip") && comment.getAttribute("skip") == "true") {
								newSlide = '<!-- slide data-visibility="hidden" -->';
						output = output.replace(slide, newSlide);
						return newSlide;
		return output;