All files / src/processors internalLinkProcessor.ts

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import { ObsidianUtils } from '../obsidianUtils';
import { Options } from '../options';
export class InternalLinkProcessor {
	private utils: ObsidianUtils;
	constructor(utils: ObsidianUtils) {
		this.utils = utils;
	private regex = /(?<=[^!]|^)\[\[(?:(.*?)\|)?([^\]]*)\]\]/gm;
	process(markdown: string, options: Options) {
		if (options.enableLinks) {
			return markdown.replaceAll(this.regex, (sub, first, second) => {
				return `[${second}](obsidian://open?vault=${encodeURI(this.utils.getVaultName())}&file=${encodeURI(
					first == undefined ? second : first,
		} else {
			return markdown.replaceAll(this.regex, `$2`);