All files / src/processors defaultBackgroundProcessor.ts

91.3% Statements 21/23
81.81% Branches 9/11
100% Functions 5/5
91.3% Lines 21/23

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import { CommentParser } from 'src/comment';
import { Options } from 'src/options';
export class DefaultBackgroundProcessor {
	private slideCommentRegex = /<!--\s*(?:\.)?slide.*-->/;
	private parser = new CommentParser();
	process(markdown: string, options: Options) {
		let output = markdown;
		if (options?.bg) {
			Iif (options?.bg == 'transparent' || options?.bg == 'rgba(0,0,0,0)') {
				output = `<style>
body {
	background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important;
` + output;
				.split(new RegExp(options.separator, 'gmi'))
				.map(slidegroup => {
					return slidegroup
						.split(new RegExp(options.verticalSeparator, 'gmi'))
						.map(slide => {
							if (slide) {
								const newSlide = this.transformSlide(slide, options?.bg);
								output = output.split(slide).join(newSlide);
								return newSlide;
							} else E{
								return slide;
		return output;
	transformSlide(slide: string, bg: string) {
		if (this.slideCommentRegex.test(slide)) {
			const [match] = this.slideCommentRegex.exec(slide);
			const comment = this.parser.parseLine(match);
			if (!comment.hasAttribute('data-background-image') && !comment.hasAttribute('data-background-color')) {
				comment.addAttribute('bg', bg);
			return slide.replace(this.slideCommentRegex, this.parser.commentToString(comment));
		} else {
			return slide + `\n<!-- slide bg="${bg}" -->\n`;