All files / src/processors debugViewProcessor.ts

92.68% Statements 38/41
42.85% Branches 3/7
100% Functions 5/5
92.68% Lines 38/41

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import { Options } from '../options';
export class DebugViewProcessor {
	process(markdown: string, options: Options) {
		let output = markdown;
		if (options.showGrid) {
				.split(new RegExp(options.separator, 'gmi'))
				.map((slidegroup, index) => {
					return slidegroup
						.split(new RegExp(options.verticalSeparator, 'gmi'))
						.map((slide, index) => {
							const [md, notes] = this.extractNotes(slide, options);
							let newSlide = this.addDebugCode(md);
							Iif (notes.length > 0) {
								newSlide += '\n\n' + notes;
							output = output.replace(slide, newSlide);
							return newSlide;
		return output;
	addDebugCode(markdown: string) {
		let gridBlock = '';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 10" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 20" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 30" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 40" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 50" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 60" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 70" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 80" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="100 10" drop="0 90" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="0 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="10 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="20 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="30 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="40 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="50 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="60 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="70 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="80 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		gridBlock += '<grid drag="10 100" drop="90 0" border="thin dotted blue"/>\n';
		return markdown + '\n' + gridBlock;
	extractNotes(input: string, options: Options): [string, string] {
		let noteSeparator = 'note:';
		Iif (options.notesSeparator && options.notesSeparator.length > 0) {
			noteSeparator = options.notesSeparator;
		const spliceIdx = input.indexOf(noteSeparator);
		Iif (spliceIdx > 0) {
			return [input.substring(0, spliceIdx), input.substring(spliceIdx)];
		} else {
			return [input, ''];